Office moves are considerably more stressful and time-consuming than residential moves. So if you never had to move an office, buckle up! And make sure you are fully prepared for what is about to come. You should know how to plan and when to take care of each aspect of your move, and then you should be fine. And, of course, make sure to book with the right commercial moving company in Toronto! Here is what you should know about how long it takes to move an office.
Find a new office space
This is a very intuitive step in the process of moving your office. What is less intuitive is that you should find it at least one year ahead. And before you say it, no it’s not too long. An office move can only be carefully planned if you know what and where your new space will be. And if we talk about big cities, such as Toronto, there are lots of elements to consider. Which Toronto office movers you choose is not even among the first worries here. First of all, make sure the new location can be easily reached by public transport. This is because not all your employees will be able to drive to work. And if they have to choose whether or not to keep this job, make sure the proximity to a bus station is not one of the impediments! The rent price is also very important when making a decision of this kind. And is the new space urban or suburban? You have no idea how many implications this has! You will get the chance to understand why but plan ahead. One year is really not a lot for an office move.
Let everyone know about the change
It doesn’t really matter whether your office move means moving two blocks from your current office. Everyone needs to know as soon as possible. Employees, partners, and external contractors – share the news with everyone. By the time you announce the relocation, it is ideal to have a strategic plan in mind and to present it briefly. Everyone on your team should be invited to share their ideas and thoughts about the big event. Yes, your decision is the final one, but their opinions should matter, as well. If you worry that moving relatively far from your current office location will cause your staff to quit their job, stop. Let’s Get Moving has conducted hundreds of office moves over the past years, and never have we met any business manager to have this problem. But be honest with them and give them time. Besides, you will need their help in planning and organizing your office move. Toronto office movers will do most of the job, of course, but your employees will have to do their part.
Hire professionals for your office move
Moving with the help of professionals is the best way to go. When talking about an office move, you cannot begin to imagine how much of a pain moving by yourself is. Even if you have 100 employees to help out, they are still not as experienced as office movers. And if you have appliances, electronics, and furniture to relocate, do you really want to risk damaging them? Hiring a professional Toronto moving company will ease the process. While it will surely cost more than if you were to do things by yourself, the peace of mind you will get is priceless. Professional commercial movers will bring their own moving supplies if you choose to hire them to pack, as well. At Let’s Get Moving, we are trained as office movers, as well. So whether you need to relocate your server, your expensive laptops, or that fancy ergonomic furniture, we can help! Regardless of which movers you choose, make sure they are insured. This way, should an accident occur, you will get reimbursed for the damage. But even here, schedule properly and book your move in advance! It will save you.
Let’s Get Moving is among the best and most wanted companies in Toronto that specialize in office moves. Thousands of happy customers stand as proof of our professionalism. Moreover, you will feel how experienced we are once we step foot in your office, on your moving day. Your office move will be done faster than you can imagine! Give us a call for more details!